Re: vestigial organs and instincts

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Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 01, 1997 at 11:13:21:

In Reply to: Re: vestigial organs and instincts posted by Carlos Javier on January 01, 1997 at 00:55:07:

: I think that our tail stump hasn't yet fully faded because our ancestors, ape and human, tended to either squat or lie down. Chairs are a very new invention. Modern hunter-gatherers squat, rather than sit.

That is why I have an old pillow on the chair I use at my computer. (g)

: All 8 wisdom teeth? I only have 4. I only had the right 2 pulled, and that was enough to relieve the pressure on each entire jaw.

I had the two on the right side and the two on the left side in front pulled plus one from each side in the back. Not a pleasant experience, even with one's lower face frozen, especially if a root goes beyound the numb part. (g)

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